4th Edition
December 27, 2010
1. Introduction.
2. The Indonesian revolution.
3. Why a Revolution?
4. Pro Counter Revolution in
5. Pseudo Democracy result
Constitution Fourth Amendment.
6. General Election in 2014 that
will waste – nothing!
7. Correction of the Incident Action
in 1998.
8. Glance Century Bank Scandal
9. Scenarios of the Revolution:
- Decree of the People Back to the Constitution of 1945 (the original)
- Statement of the People for the Faithful on the basis of Pancasila (five principles) ideology.
- Establishment of MPRS as the incarnation of the People's Sovereignty.
- People's Consultative Assembly's session to determine the Presidium.
- Session of the Presidium to form the State Requirements.Session of the
- People's Consultative Assembly to Establish Commission Amendment Constitution of 1945.
- Presidium lifting Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (according to Article 10 of the Constitution of 1945).
- Session of the Presidium for Forming Cabinet / Ministry in the meantime.
- Plenary session of the Cabinet Ministry.
- National Reconciliation.
- Presidium with MPRS set General Election schedule.
10. Acknowledgments.
1. Introduction
This brief paper
does not discuss the theory of revolution or the definition of revolution in a
broad sense.
Revolution is
referred to in this paper is none other than the constitutional revolution.
Revolution is a rapid and fundamental change to the constitutional order that
has proven obsolete and can not realize the people’s welfare in a fair and
That way, the
revolution meant to change the order that has long been applied to the new
order. In short, substantive sentences in the revolution are “REGIME CHANGE –
Revolution with
REGIME CHANGE – CHANGE SYSTEM must be done simultaneously. Revolution by
changing the regime without changing the system is useless – a mere nothing.
Anyone regime, could not realize what the people want to achieve a better life
if the system still used the old system has proved a failure in the past.
Conversely, a
revolution to change the system is impossible if without replacing the regime.
A Status Quo regime may not be willing to change the system that has been to
perpetuate their power.
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onesolutionrevolution.com |
The Indonesian revolution
Anywhere, the revolution has a range
of hopes and ideals that so far, which makes popular sovereignty as the
supreme rule in the state administration.
This revolution
does not necessarily take place with blood. That may never happen is happening
elsewhere. But in Indonesia,
the revolution could be peaceful as August 17, 9145 when Indonesia
patriotic fighters took control of Japan.
Could peaceful as 1967, when Suharto replaced Sukarno as President of the Republic
of Indonesia . When Indonesia
2 million people were slaughtered without going through the courts during
1966-1968, it was not the result of the revolution, but because of the
brutality of the New Order regime goons. Revolution of 1998 can also be
peaceful. Although it is not really revolutionary scenario, but the transfer of
power from Soeharto to Habibie could peaceful.
Why a Revolution?
homeland compared a large ship that sailed from the port
of Proclamation of 1945. Ferrying to
achieve the goals realizing a just and prosperous society, inner and outer
prosperity and become a respected major nation in the world.
Nobody will be
argued that Indonesia
was the nation’s next fighter in Algeria
and Vietnam.
The fighters who wanted – ideal liberate their homeland from the clutches of
expanders and escape from the suffering caused by colonialism. These
dreams finally come true with Indonesian independence on 17
August 1945 by Soekarno – Hatta.
In the course of
more than 60 years of Indonesian independence, has many storm waves crashing.
Starting from the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) rebellion in 1948,
the first and second military aggression by the Netherlands Indies Civil
Administration (NICA), Events G30S Rebellion, the New Order's repressive rule,
Scandal and Corruption in Duta Bank and Indonesia Development Bank (Bapindo),
the Monetary Crisis in 1998, the case of Bank of Indonesia Liquidity Assistance
(BLBI), Scandal of Century Bank to cases of judicial and taxation
mafia today.
A sharp pebble in
the shoe is very disturbing one pace of someone. A rock can only endanger
the safety of cruise ships in which the entire people of Indonesia
and its wealth of nature resources.
was threatened wreck. The ship leaked, strong winds, high waves, torn screens,
the propeller jammed, dark, crowded sharks, lightning struck and thirsty
In such conditions,
required a skilled captain, courageous and able quickly to take decisions.
In reality, it is
impossible to expect a change for the improvement of the regime who still
continue the tradition of the new order; tradition that has been proven to fail
to bring prosperity to the people in a fair and equitable.
They claim to be leader of the reform
order, but the system imposed no better than the new order system. In the new
order of government under Suharto’s leadership still managed to devote
attention to the empowerment of cooperatives development. The current
government has implemented it fully practice of neo – liberalism / capitalism,
and apparent age as a supporter of neo – colonialism / imperialism. As a
result, many people’s lives are not getting better. Even as the effects of
corruption collusion increasingly become – so.
Odds are expected from the regime of neo –
liberalism / capitalism that supports the practice
neo-colonialism/imperialism to talk about prosperity together. There’s no way
they talked about the welfare of the people of
Papua, while the gold mining contracts to foreign companies
Freeport Limited Company extended, and continue to be extended.
Odds are people of Indonesia
will be able to buy oil cheaply, while all sources of
energy and mineral resources have been pledged to the foreign companies.
In the place of
origin, the United States
and Western Europe, the practice of liberalism and
capitalism are destroying one human race, namely Indian tribes. The system
of liberalism / capitalism, which is basically a form imperialism /
colonialism, brought by the expansion borzois to the ground, the American
mainland 16th century. In the new land that they took the right of
indigenous land ownership. They do a great persecution that resulted in violent
loss of a single community of civilization on this earth.
In the present era,
the foreign borzois is trying to become the powerful ruler of Indonesia.
Through the power of the regime of neo – new order, they dug his paws in Indonesia.
Then proved to be almost the entire Indonesian assets belonged to foreign
The greed of
foreign investors and lack of nationalistic spirit Indonesian leaders have made
the roots of indigenous cultures deprived of their own land. The values of Bhinneka
Tunggal Ika started to be forgotten.
Because people of Indonesia
have not hosted in our own country, then all need to be expensive. Access to
education more difficult. Rising unemployment. The gap between the rich and the
poor is widening. The higher transportation costs. Increasing health costs are
not affordable for the community underclass. There are many more negative
impacts as a result of the entry ideology of neo-liberalism / capitalism and
neo- imperialism / colonialism to Indonesia.
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otherdiscovery.com |
Inability to repair damaged infrastructure
the foreign debt that never paid off instead of just getting bloated because of
the interest money that strangle the neck. Not to mention the loss of the
rights of the origin / regions that are special, as listed in Article 18
Constitution of 1945 (the original). Also the destruction of forests and near
extinction of some species of flora-fauna, and so the negative impact that will
continue to follow due to political mismanagement.
4. Pro Counter
Revolution in Indonesia
Not everyone agrees revolution. Those who
agreed revolution is a group of people understand the circumstances that the
bad situation is threatening their safety, even threatening the safety of the
nation and state.
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sumintar.com |
Those who do not agree are stooges
authorities have ruled with tyranny. Also those who would benefit from the
ongoing government is running or might be called the status quo. In addition,
groups of people who are not aware of the situation experienced by the limited
power of thought and knowledge, may not agree to any revolution.
In the Dutch
colonial period and the Japanese, not everyone agrees revolution or
independence. Those who disagree are a group of colonists who became stooges.
Even in the beginning, Soekarno – Hatta did not agree to the revolution,
believing that Japan
will assist the independence of Indonesia.
But another Sjahrir, had often heard the radio, then Sjahrir knew that Japan
had lost the war against the allies. Later Sjahrir urged Sukarno and
Hatta to immediately proclamated Indonesian independence. Sukarno and Hatta did
not want. So in history, the young revolutionaries kidnapped Sukarno and Hatta
to be taken to Rengasdengklok , and forcing Soekarno – Hatta declared Indonesia’s
History also notes
that a revolution requires determination and courage. Just copy the text of the
proclamation signed it, not everyone is brave. But when the Indonesian independence
been won, then no one will deny that fact. In fact all the Indonesian people
fought together to defend the independence.
Revolution to
replace the regime of neo – New Order follower of neo – liberalism /
capitalism as well as supporting the era of neo – imperialism /
colonialism, even this requires strong will and courage to become strong. This
revolution will have a lot of obstacles particularly repressive ruling
authorities. But if the revolution is successful, then no one, even police and
soldiers, will fire a bullet to anyone in the mass action. For in effect, they
also are part of the Indonesian people, which is also the fate awaiting
The revolutionary
youth must take bold action the Assembly building. People's Consultative
Assembly building is the people’s house. In building the people’s sovereignty
will be realized for real. Not implemented as a stage of political clowns.
Democracy without a
goal until the people’s welfare is superficial and full of lies.
Democracy as a
mirror of popular sovereignty should be able to bring the people of Indonesia
to live with justice and prosperity, prosperous, physically and spiritually and
become equal nation and respected among the nations – nations of the world.
Pseudo democracy or
democracy of lies that followed Indonesia
today is a result of the Fourth Amendment based on the Constitution or the
Constitution of 2002.
Amendment of the
Constitution of 1945 has created a home – which was pioneered by arbitrary
figure Ciganjur 1998, namely as Chairman Amien Rais Assembly at the time and
Akbar Tanjung as Speaker of the House. Akbar Tanjung is a “traitor” or New
Order of Suharto who tried to cleanse the sins of the play – act as a supporter
of the Order of the Reformation.
Amien Rais, with
Akbar Tanjung, has “taken on the corner” by using the student movement and the
people in 1998. In fact, they never had significant contributions in the
imposition Suharto tyranny.
The success of the
1945 they changed the Constitution in 2002 as the new constitution had created
“an accident”. They just want to show that their leadership has begun to reform
the constitution. But the amendments did not reflect the will of the people.
The amendment has been made in origin – random, overlap overlap and no clear
purpose. They just want to mark that the Suharto era has ended, but the New
Order system is not changed. The system model of the Soeharto administration
was applied by all the presidential and House of Representatives (DPR) / People’s
Consultative Assembly (MPR) post-Suharto in a variety of state policies,
especially economic and financial fields.
Constitution of
2002 also increasingly provide opportunities inclusion practices – practices
the system of neo – liberalism / capitalism and the era of neo – colonialism /
5. Pseudo Democracy result Constitution Fourth Amendment.
Democracy without a goal until the people’s
welfare is superficial and full of lies.
Democracy as a
mirror of popular sovereignty should be able to bring the people of Indonesia
to live with justice and prosperity, prosperous, physically and spiritually and
become equal nation and respected among the nations – nations of the world.
Pseudo democracy or
democracy of lies that followed Indonesia
today is a result of the Fourth Amendment based on the Constitution or the
Constitution in 2002.
Amendment of the
Constitution of 1945 has created a home – which was pioneered by
arbitrary figure Ciganjur 1998, namely as Chairman Amien Rais Assembly at the
time and Akbar Tanjung as Speaker of the House. Akbar Tanjung is a “traitor” or
New Order of Suharto who tried to cleanse the sins of the play – act as a
supporter of the Order of the Reformation.
Amien Rais, with
Akbar Tanjung, has “taken on the corner” by using the student movement and the
people in 1998. In fact, they never had significant contributions in the
imposition Suharto tyranny.
The success of the
1945 they changed the Constitution in 2002 as the new constitution had created
“an accident”. They just want to show that their leadership has begun to reform
the constitution. But the amendments did not reflect the will of the people.
The amendment has been made in origin – random, overlap overlap and no clear
purpose. They just want to mark that the Suharto era has ended, but the New
Order system is not changed. The system model of the Soeharto administration
was applied by all the presidential and House of Representatives (DPR) /
People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) post-Suharto in a variety of state
policies, especially economic and financial fields.
Constitution of
2002 also increasingly provide opportunities inclusion practices – practices
the system of neo – liberalism / capitalism and the era of neo – colonialism /
6. General
Election in 2014 that will waste – nothing!
If the system mainly Election 2004
and/or Election 2009 will be used again and continue to be used, it
certainly will never make those reformers who qualified and those who side with
the people.
The team documents for dissemination
Assistance Century Bank policy the Ministry of Finance established the first
mention of Finance Minister on the state of Century Bank after a report from
the Governor of Bank Indonesia, Boediono, via teleconference meeting on 13
November 2008. When the Sri Mulyani Indrawati was in Washington,
DC, accompanied SBY. The next day on Nov
14 2008, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, reported on the Century Bank orally
to SBY. Then instructed by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Sri Mulyani Indrawati
immediately returned to Jakarta.
According to Marzuki Alie, the President
did not know about the case of the Century Bank. The President knows the Bail
Out of funds disbursed. Of the event can be concluded that there must be a lie
in between these two statements. What is certain Bail Out policy is only to
save the Bank Century, not the Indonesian economy.
Audit Agency
(Corporate Financial Examiner) noted a number of weaknesses in the analysis of
systemic effects of Century Bank case made by Bank of Indonesia and the
government. One of them, the conclusion is based on qualitative judgment.
Meanwhile, Fiscal Policy Office (BKF) argues that the analysis of systemic risk
given that the data supported the Bank of Indonesia and scalable enough to
declare that the Century Bank could cause systemic risk, rather the
psychological impact analysis.
Complete data questions
and statements are set out in the minutes of meetings COMMITTEE FINANCIAL
STABILITY (KSSK) on Friday, November 21, 2008, at 00:11 sd 05.00 at
Western Indonesia Time, with the agenda: discussion of problems of
Bank of Century Limited Company. Minutes record signed by the Chairman KSSK,
Sri Mulyani Indrawati and members KSSK, Boediono.
Argument monetary
economist, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, that the closure would affect the Bank
Century systemic, that is a massive rush of other banks are also not appropriate.
The comparison used is when the closure of 16 private banks in 1998. And should
that be the comparison is when the case of Summa Bank in 1992, which did not
affect anything on the Indonesian economy.
The argument field
of monetary economists, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, that the closure would affect
systemic Century Bank, which was a massive rush of other banks was also not
appropriate. The comparison used is when there were closure of 16 private
banks in 1998. Though the comparison is supposed to be when there was a
case of Summa Bank in 1992, which apparently does not affect anything on the
Indonesian economy. In 1992, the Sri Mulyani Indrawati himself was
studying in foreign countries. That she never experienced the dramatic
events that Summa Bank, which turned out not affect anything on the national
economy or more specifically there was no massive rush at the time.
Scenarios of the Revolution
In any country, a revolution always has a
scenario and a clear purpose. Revolution with “REGIME CHANGE-CHANGE SYSTEM” is
to save the country that are damaged, and will get damaged if left standing. A
mass or military action with the aim of regime change but without changing the
system can not be called a revolution, but could be called a coup. It will not
be possible to stage a coup group will think about the fate of his people. They
are the same as the previous regime, the power-hungry.
In a very difficult
situation in the country and ravaged it is today, at least 10 to 50 thousand
members of the masses of the people must be prepared to enter the parliament
building. Millions of other people who pray at home and some of them may be on
strike from their jobs.
That need to be
understood by all parties is the mass action is not an act of anarchist or a
declaration of war against the government in power. Such mass action,
inevitably, have occurred when the deputies and the chief executive along with
his cabinet was reluctant to hear the voice of the people. They always reveal
the jargon of “the people’s voice was the voice of god ‘, but all actions and
decisions, sometimes even too often people do not take sides. The lack of legal
certainty for the people of the lower classes have shown that character. The
law can only side with those who have money. welfare of the people who are not
fair and equitable real materialize visit.
This Indonesian
revolution must succeed. Because it’s not just the delivery of opinions and
protests by groups individually, but the same desire by all the groups that
also have the same ideals. Ideals which essentially has started since Indonesia
won independence fighters. These ideals have not felt by most of the people of Indonesia.
That there is just a different situation that never occurred in the image
of the founders of this Republic of Indonesia.
The founders who participate struggling to free his people from the oppression
of foreign invaders.
Sovereignty of the
people must begin from the House of Peoples. Parliament House was called the
People’s House, which was established by Sukarno to become the container forces
the New World nations, who had just managed to break
away from the shackles of colonialism. This is the revolution that gave real
meaning of democracy. On the day of mass action from all groups of people
entering the house that was a stated. On the day of mass action
from all the groups entering the People's House, an INDONESIAN REVOLUTION
expressed collectively.
Starting on that
day, realized in a concrete scenario of revolution, not just discourse.
(1) the People’s
Decree Back to Constitution of 1945 (the original)
On that day, on behalf of the entire people
of Indonesia,
declared a decree People To Return to the Constitution of 1945 (the original).
This is very, very important because the Constitution Fourth Amendment or the
Constitution of 2002 have been made at random, without any overlapping clear
goals. Amendments made to signify only that the Suharto era has ended. But the
New Order system plus neo-liberalism/capitalism practice. Whereas the founders
of the Indonesian state has made the concept as a result of excavation of the
philosophy and culture of Indonesia, known since ancient times sublime.
(2) Statement of
the People to Remain Faithful to the Basis of Pancasila
Statement of the people led by
revolutionary fighters on that day will not be declared Pancasila as the sole
ideology in Indonesia.
Declaration of loyalty to Pancasila as the form is evident that Indonesia
has had his own ideology, not ideology or schools of that imported from other
nations. Pancasila is the. Ideologies of other nations are not necessarily in
accordance with the philosophy and character of Indonesian culture. All the
post-revolutionary groups may form an association or a party based on another
ideology still provided the ideology of in the Pancasila corridor.
Establishment of MPRS as the incarnation of the People's Sovereignty.
In accordance with the mandate of the
Constitution of 1945, then on the day of the revolution, the established
Provisional People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), as the highest state
institution that became the embodiment of popular sovereignty.
In an atmosphere of
revolution as such, did not have to be complicated about anyone who will sit in
these assemblies. Because nature is only TEMPORARY. In addition, because not a
result of people’s choices, then people who might be able to reach hundreds of
thousands of them, certainly will understand that the MPRS is to be
filled by people who have sufficient knowledge and moral quality.
The Constitution of
1945 did not restrict the number of members of the Assembly, in this case is of
course that meant the MPRS. At the time of the revolution, by itself
will show the people whose voices will be heard and followed by others.
At the right
moment, will be composed of membership reflects the MPRS are more
representative of people with a clearer structure. MPRS will end after a
special election to be held aims to select the members of the Assembly. New
elections might be held about one year since the day of the revolution.
Although in the era
of revolution, the members of the MPRS still take the oath together, by
following and imitating the oath which was read by Chief Justice who was chosen
to perform the task.
(4) People's
Consultative Assembly's session to determine the Presidium
Immediately after being sworn, then do a
trial assembly of the MPRS. For a while, the hearing will be chaired by
a member of the oldest and youngest elected chairman until a definitive.
The MPRS set
NATIONAL PRESIDIUM consisting of five people as a substitute for the President
and Vice President. Several members of the presidium of the name has been
prepared by the mover of the revolution itself. Presidium will not be filled by
those who counter-revolutionary.
First Session of
People's Consultative Assembly Temporary (MPRS) is to establish the
National Presidium of five-member as a substitute for the President and Vice
President. Some of the names of members of the presidium of course has been
prepared by the pioneers of the revolution itself. No way the presidium
would be filled by those who counter-revolution.
Five of these, each
will lead:
1) Internal Affairs;
2) Foreign Affairs;
3) Defense and Security Affairs of State;
4) Health & Welfare Affairs of the
5) Religious Affairs.
There are many
other things that actually quite important, but in situations of revolution,
the five matters which are of paramount importance.
(5) Session of the
People's Consultative Assembly to Establish Commission Amendment
Constitution of 1945
Amendment Commission served along with all
the people to reconstruct the 1945 completion within a period as fast as one
year. This is to fulfill the promise she had made by the first President of
Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno, when ratified the Constitution of the Republic
of Indonesia on August
18, 1945.
Improvement or
amendment of the 1945 will be conducted in accordance with Indonesian national
identity, in favor of the people and aims to promote the general welfare as
envisaged in the 1945 Constitution itself. Unlike the 2002’s Constitution which
had been made at random, overlapping and without clear goals. Instead it has
opened wide opportunities entry neo-liberalism/capitalism practices that have
caused misery for the majority of the people.
The results of the
1945′s improvements will be
submitted to the Assembly election result set as an amendment to the original
1945 Constitution, as the “Addendum”, in such a way. So, that the original
Constitution of 1945 was never erased.
(6) Presidium
lifting Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic
of Indonesia (according to Article
10 of the 1945 Constitution)
Presidium of the first trial was to
establish a Commander of the Armed Forces. These commanders, for a while, the
Police reunite and Indonesian National Army (TNI) less than one command.
Presidium of the
first trial was to establish a Commander of the Armed Forces. These commanders,
for a while, the Police reunite and Indonesian National Army (TNI) less
than one command.
In addition, the
main task is the commander of the armed forces to uphold peace and order
throughout the Republic of Indonesia. That way, the Presidium of the joint
ministerial cabinet will be formed; can work together with the MPRS in carrying
out appropriate constitutional ideals of the revolution. Ideals are none other
than creating a new Indonesia. Ideals of Proclamation of 1945 that Indonesia
has never materialized.
Up to this
point, the revolution for Regime Change-Change system essentially has expired
since the first day. People were asked to continue their work everyday.
(7) Session of the Presidium for Forming a
Cabinet/Ministry in the meantime
Presidium of the first trial was to
establish a Commander of the Armed Forces. These commanders, for a while, the
Police reunite and Indonesian National Army (TNI) less than one command.
In addition, the main task is the commander
of the armed forces to uphold peace and order throughout the Republic of
Indonesia. That way, the Presidium of the joint ministerial cabinet will be
formed; can work together with the MPRS in carrying out appropriate
constitutional ideals of the revolution. Ideals are none other than creating a
new Indonesia. Ideals of Proclamation of 1945 that Indonesia has never
Up to this point, the revolution for Regime
Change-Change system essentially has expired since the first day. People were
asked to continue their work everyday..
The next trial
is to establish the Presidium of the Cabinet Ministry meantime. In less than a
week, new cabinet under the Presidium of the ministry must be established as
the Provisional Government Republic of Indonesia.
temporary Ministry is, among others, will handle the areas of:
1) Ministry of
Foreign Affairs;
2) Ministry of
Home Affairs;
3) Ministry of
Finance and State Treasury;
4) Ministry of
Defense and National Security;
5) Ministry of
Agriculture and Plantation;
6) Ministry of
Industry and Commerce;
7) Ministry of
Transport and Communications;
Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development;
9) Ministry of
Energy and Natural Resources.
temporary, so not many ministries to be formed. The Ministry was disbanded
along with the Presidium immediately after the President and Vice President
elected by the Assembly election results. President and Vice President also
inaugurated the election results.
(7) Session of the Presidium for Forming a
Cabinet / Ministry in the meantime.
The next trial is to establish the
Presidium of the Cabinet Ministry meantime. In less than a week, new cabinet
under the Presidium of the ministry must be established as the Provisional
Government Republic of Indonesia.
Cabinet temporary Ministry is, among
others, will handle the areas of:
1) Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
2) Ministry of Home Affairs;
3) Ministry of Finance and State Treasury;
4) Ministry of Defense and National
5) Ministry of Agriculture and Plantation;
6) Ministry of Industry and Commerce;
7) Ministry of Transport and
8. Ministry of Education and Human
Resources Development;
9) Ministry of Energy and Natural
Therefore temporary, so not many ministries
to be formed. The Ministry was disbanded along with the Presidium immediately
after the President and Vice President elected by the Assembly election
results. President and Vice President also inaugurated the election results.
(8) Session of the Presidium to form the
State Requirements.
A part form the Cabinet Ministry, together with the Presidium of the other
power agencies will also establish a state fittings. Completeness of state - or
in other words, Completeness of the Provisional Government at the central level
- is the State Affairs offices which will be led by the Head Office of State
Affairs respectively. All the Head Office of State has no power of authority to
autonomous regions, namely the provinces. Their task is nothing but doing the
monitoring, assessment and providing assistance and dissemination of
information on state standards. Further implementation of the above fields
Affairs of the State is a province autonomous authority.
(9) Plenary session of the Cabinet Ministry
Many trials will be conducted by the
Cabinet Ministry. The first is the Plenary Session of the Cabinet under the
leadership of the Ministry of the Presidium to specify that all local
governments is temporary. Also set function as assistant governor of the
Presidium. After an explanation by the Provisional Government (Ministry of the
Presidium of the joint) about the importance of government in the regions to
hold state power in favor of the welfare of the people.
Since entering this stage, the
implementation of Homeland essentially has begun. Executive power is held
centrally by the Presidium, and the LEGISLATIVE power held by the People’s
Consultative Assembly (MPR) Justice or judicial power under the Supreme
Court, which still has not changed, as well as temporary.
(10) National Reconciliation
One of the important topics that will be
handled by the Presidium of the Cabinet with the Ministry of National Reconciliation.
This is very important to be completed. The meaning of this reconciliation
itself is to end the conflict that was going on, and never happened. A
reconciliation will not be able to be handled by the regime that had committed
crimes or human rights violations in the past.
This reconciliation is essentially aims to
create peace. The process begins with uncovering evidence all the crimes ever
committed by the regime or groups in the past. Crimes or human rights
violations that include: the massacre of almost 2 million people by the New
Order regime during the year 1965-1968; cases of killed by the military in case
of Tanjung Priok and Talangsari – Lampung; case of military operations in Aceh
and other regions; case kidnappings and disappearances activist and
students during 1996-1998; case of attacked on the Indonesian
Democratic Party offices on July 27, 1996; shooting students of Trisakti
University and the University of Lampung in 1998; to murder Munir.
Disclosure of truth is not to be revenge by
the victims. On the other hand, is very difficult for victims to forgive,
forget and end the trauma of oppression and evil that ever happened to them.
Simply put, the stages of reconciliation
is: 1) reveal evidence of any crimes or human rights violations that have
occurred in Indonesia in the past since 1965 (New Order era) until the
violations committed by the regime of neo-New Order; 2) recognition and apology
by the parties who have proven crimes or violations of human rights; 3) the
victims of human rights violations to an apology.
After the work of reconciliation is
achieved, then the new phase has begun. In other words, the conflict between
the members has ended. Even so, those who have been involved crimes or human
rights violations would not be allowed again to re-sit in the institutions of
state power. On the other hand, their safety must be guaranteed by the state.
Not only are human rights violations have
been involved, those who have proven to significantly harm the state for
committing crimes of economic crimes, such as corruption, are also not allowed
to participate in Providing state, either directly in the executive branch and
a member of parliament (DPR / MPR) .
(11) Presidium with MPRS set General
Election schedule
Before ending devotion to the country,
together with the Presidium of the MPR should establish a general election
(election). Homeland sovereignty completely in the hands of the people. The
incarnation was the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) as the highest
institution in charge of running the country on behalf of the people’s
sovereignty. MPR is a joint session of House of Representatives (DPR),
representing Council (DUG) and the Regional Representatives Council (DUD).
All three councils have the same political power. Unlike the present case, the
dominant forces and affiliated seemed absolute only lead to all parties.
All three council members mentioned above
will be sent by the people through direct elections with a district system.
Only with the district system, the members would be more concerned with
representation of people’s welfare. Not put the interests of the group. The
party became the container of no other practical politicians only to the
people’s aspirations can be easily distributed.
People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR)
which will maintain the Constitution of 1945, and at any time can convene
accordance with the duties and functions.
MPR also set a State
Policy or Outline Development Plan, provide assessments of the policies of
central government or the executive branch and issue decrees with respect to
all policies and decisions of executive agencies.
MPR also set Outlines
of State Policy, provides assessment of the policies of the central government
or the executive branch and pulled out provisions relating to all policies and
decisions of the executive branch.
Through this general election, the
President and Vice President as the holder of executive power will be elected
directly by the people. In the running wheel of government, state executive
agencies will be assisted by the government in provincial areas, each headed by
a governor.
Government in areas that are special
autonomy will be given special authority to regulate the state administration
in their respective provinces.
Trisakti State
House of Representatives, Council Representative Group and the Regional
Representatives Council with the President holds the power to form legislation.
more laws that only benefit the ruling set with his cronies alone, and not
aimed at establishing public order and welfare. No more
laws aimed at maintaining power covertly incompatible with the conscience of
the people.
All three councils also have the right to
ask questions or request information from the central government or state
executive agencies and have the right to investigate.
All three councils also have the right to
ask questions or ask for information from the central government or state
executive agencies as well as having the right to investigate. Government
regulation (Perpu) as the implementing regulations for laws that are
made generally accepted for the entire population and territory of the Republic
of Indonesia. Meanwhile, for a special effect in a province made in the form of
provincial regulation. Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Regulation In Lieu
of Law) is only made when the country in a state of war emergency.
Government regulation (regulation) as the
regulations implementing the laws made applicable generally to all residents
and Homeland areas. As for the special effect in a province made in the form of
provincial regulation.
Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perpu
Substitute Act) created only when the state of war emergency.
Judicial power is completely in the hands
of the Supreme Court, which became independent from institutions other powers.
Supreme Court exercise judicial power at the country level. Justice in
provincial areas operated by the High Court respectively.
The Supreme Court also has the power to
conduct legal test of a law is constitutional provisions in the regulations,
rules and regulations the provincial government. Legal test to assess whether
any such provisions in accordance or contrary to the Constitution of 1945.
To run power, the Supreme Court established
the Constitutional Advisory Council will work actively and permanently.
My thank you to the honourable DR. H.S.
Dillon, late Harry Roesli, late Romo YB Mangunwijaya who have inspired
and to the honourable DR. Sri Bintang Pamungkas who has contributed thoughts in
this simple script writing.
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Late Romo Y.B. Mangunwijaya. Foto: jfcc.info |
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H.S. Dillon. Foto: politikana.com |
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Sri Bintang Pamungkas. Foto: jakartapress.com |
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