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Nomade Tent, source: http://goodandlost.org |
Hasan Basri, in the beginning was a gem merchant who famous with the called "Hasan Jewel". Often trade to Byzantium (now Turkiye), close friend to the prime minister of the kingdom.
Born in
"Come to a place if you agree," said Prime Minister Hasan Basri Byzantines took one day. "Whatever is noble," said Hasan. Then Prime Minister said the aim. Hasan Basri willing.
The waiter out horses for both of them respectively. Then they both depart. When they arrived at a desert, Hasan saw a tent of cloth tied with brukat Byzantine with silt cloth of gold pins, stuck firmly on the ground. The tent dwellers walk to one side.
Soon, an army of stout-gallant come with wearing armor. They surrounded the tent, a salute while saying a few words and left.
Then came some philosophers and scientists as much as 400 people. After surrounding the tent while salute and say a few words, they went away.
After that, came a few pretty girls who each carried a gold plate containing silver and precious stones manikam, surrounded the tent. After the salute, and say a few words, they went away.
Hasan Basri was surprised and amazed to see the incident and thought to wonder about the incident.
On the way home, it's all to ask the Prime Minister. Then Prime Minister explained. The emperor had a son who is very handsome and most handsome in the kingdom. In addition to valor, the crown prince also controls all branches of science. The Emperor loved him with all my heart. Suddenly, the crown prince fell ill. All reputable doctors who are trained was not able to cure him. Eventually died.
Every year the people of the imperial palace pilgrimage to his tomb. An army of pilgrimage with tents surrounding the tomb, saying: "O, our master if that happened to occur due to war, surely we sacrificed our entire lives to you. It was to redeem the death of you. But this tragedy happened because of something that we could not resist- Him and we can not oppose him. "
Turn to the philosophers and scientists come to the front. They said: "We are sorry, Prince. The situation that befell the prince caused by something that can not be faced with inside knowledge, philosophy, science and rhetoric skills. All the philosophers in the world helpless before him and everyone learned a fool than knowledge- His. Had it not because, undoubtedly we will arrange artifice and magic words that all creatures can not match it. " They went away.
Finally advance the beautiful virgins who took silver and precious stones in gold plates around the tent, saying: "Prince suppose that befell the master can be redeemed by the richness and beauty, of course we will sacrifice our selves with the many treasures . It will not let us host this. But the lord of death caused by something that wealth and beauty mean nothing to him. " They passed.
Then the Emperor himself and the Prime Minister entered the tent. The Emperor said: "O my eyes and mooring lights! What can I give you? Has I came brave troops, the philosophers and scholars, experts and advisers prayer and beautiful virgins with a wealth of luxury. Apparently it did not helpless at all. Forgive your father. Peace to you. I'll see you next year "Then the Emperor passed and was followed by the Prime Minister. They went back.
All that are said by the Prime Minister was very touching souls Hasan Basri. He realizes that the treasure, throne, and she was totally helpless to face the call of death. Therefore contemplating drowning incident, Hasan Basri silent unconscious until well into Basra city. Once awake, she promised herself not to laugh complacent until the end. Since then, he spends his days with full devotion and introspection to avoid sin. So very few people who can emulate the discipline at that time.
Adapted from: "Al Tadzkirat Al Auliya" (Acts of the Aulia), by Fariduddin Atthar (1120-1230)
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