Saturday, 3 September 2016

Imperial Anthem of Iran


Sorude Parcam

Ey parcame xoršide Irân
Partow afkan be ruye in jahân
Yâd âvar az ân ruzegâri
Kâsud az barqe tiqat har karân
Dar sâye at jân mifešânim
Az došmanân jân misetânim
Mâ vârese molke kiyânim
Hamiše xâhim vatan râ az del o jân.

Sorude Melli

Budim o hastim peyrove haq
Joz haq hargez naxâhim az jahân
Bâ šahparasti mamlekat râ
Dârim az daste došman dar amân
Mâ peyrove kerdâre nikim
Rowšandel az pendâre nikim
Raxšande az goftâre nikim
Šod zin fazâ'el bolandâvâze Irân.

Sorude Šâhanšâhe

Šâhanšâhe mâ zende bâdâ
Pâyad kešvar be faraš jâvedân
Kaz Pahlavi šod molke Irân
Sad rah behtar ze ahde bâsetân
Az došmanân budi parišân
Dar sâye aš âsude Irân
Irâniyân peyvaste šâdân
Hamvâre Yazdân bovad urâ negahbân.

Translation in English

Flag anthem:

Oh, Sun that shines on Iran's banner,
Shed upon each nation rays strong and fair.
Those days keep in our recollection
When thy flashing sword brought peace everywhere.
We give our lives in thy shade benign,
And take the lives of each enemy.
We are the heirs of Kianis' line;
Oh, beloved land, ever wholly thine are we.

National anthem:

Of Right we've been and still are champions.
What is right is all we ever demand.
Through worship of the King, we ever
From the enemy will guard this our land.
"Good Deeds" the first virtue of our call,
"Good Thoughts" the light our hearts and minds to guide,
And through "Good Speech" shining, one and all,
This is Iran's fame that will echo far and wide.

Imperial anthem:

1. Long live our King of Kings,
And may his glory make immortal our land
For Pahlavi improved Iran,
A hundredfold from where it once used to stand.
Though once beset by the foemen's rage,
Now it has peace in his keeping sure.
We of Iran, rejoice in every age,
Oh, may God protect him both now and evermore.


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